Is it safe to podcast again? Why do we baseball in Trump's America? Should Dylan Bundy throw the cutter? Argh.
2016 Orioles Nickname Audit
Here they are, in all their, um, glory isn't the right word, uh - anyway, here's a whole bunch of ill-considered nicknames. We are once again joined by the steely-eyed and solemn-hearted Judge Marko, who, as is his wont, refuses to take any guff. Unfortunately, as is OUR wont, that's all we've got for him.
Relive the O's delicious 11-3 victory over Oakland with Sam and Alan - and recall how unlikely said victory was looking in the early-going. Other topics discussed: why the Orioles can't hit junkballers, whether Matt Wieters is a lost cause, what we should order for lunch, how much longer we can put up with Jonesy's slump, the color pink, and much much more.
We Feel Stupid
Ben Masten joins us to talk about the Yankees offseason, and the generally cavalier attitude towards starting pitching in the American League East. Plus: why urrbody so angry?
Gaus the Hoss
Sure sure, Chris Davis, whoopee, fine, wonderful. Who in the everlovin' blue-eyed Jimmy Palmers is going to PITCH, dammit?!
The Big Shortstop
Kicking off 2016 by getting fired up about a number of topics, including (but not limited to): The Big Short, HOF balloting, druncles, #FeelingTheBern (or #NotFeelingTheBern), and stadium funding. So, a pretty typical episode, really.
On the Doorstep of the Hot Stove
We ponder the implications of the Winter Meetings and the Republican party on our increasingly fragile psyches at this, the most wonderful time of the year.
Mango Moonbeam
The dastardly Nick Markovich challenges us to a round of The Game of Games of Games, which involves Orioles trivia and jelly beans.
Factories of Sadness
In which we return from a prolonged hiatus to discover a harrowing set of offseason quandaries and a heartfelt plea from a Mets fan to throw our loyalties to his cause.
DATE CHARLIE HOPPES (w/ Charlie Hoppes)
A wide-ranging conversation with Charlie Hoppes (of the dearly-departed Orioles Spastics podcast), covering the latest developments in Charlie's sleepwear, Charlie's thoughts on Game of Thrones, Charlie's dating life, and the Orioles midseason prognosis.